Thursday, September 20, 2007

Catching Up

Wow. How time flies. It has been a little over two weeks since my last post and I apologize but I wasn't allowed the use of a PC or the Internet during my (involuntary) commitment in the asylum. I wasn't allowed the use of a fork either but that really wasn't an issue because I was in a straight jacket the entire time. Ha, just kidding about the straight jacket. Now, let's see, actually I'm kidding about the asylum also. Okay then, you're probably wondering where I've been the last fifteen days.

Those of you who know me are aware that I spend a lot of time out of the country and married a foreign national. For the last two and a half years we've been waiting to get a Permanent Resident card for my wife and stepdaughter so that they could live in the U.S. So, since my last post, I was preparing documents and all sorts of other evidence in preparation for the final interview at a U.S. Consulate. I was also stressing out a bit because I absolutely can't stand governmental bureaucracy and the "hurry up and wait" attitude.

Monday the 10th was the medical exam, Tuesday the 11th was a review of documents and receipt of medical exam results, and Wednesday the 12th was the interview with an official of the consulate. They were approved and we went to the port of entry specified and had their passports endorsed. I will save for a series of later posts the details of our quest for Immigrant Visas or Green Cards.

We then took some time off from work and school and went to see Shamu. More details on this to follow later. So there you go.

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