Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So I Was Bored

I noticed yesterday that there are a whole lot more people in the world than, say, thirty years ago. Without getting into the economics of birth and death rates, I think it's safe to say that the population growth of our cities has increased. And with that said, here's my point. Back then, I could ride my bike down the main street in town to a store and have maybe a couple dozen cars pass me. Now, I'm in fear for my life because of all the traffic zooming past me.

Or maybe I've got this all wrong. Perhaps there are just more drivers now than back then. Or maybe unemployment is up and people are driving around more to get to their interviews. Or maybe the alien infiltration before the takeover of our planet is fueling the increase of people. I think back to the simpler times and...

Oops, gotta go back to work.

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