Saturday, August 26, 2006

Play Station 2 Woes

I was playing Madden NFL this afternoon and had the unit standing upright on the floor. The Little One came walking into the room and at first, only walked up to the television and kissed one of the players. Then she turned around and first touched the PS2 and then proceeded to push it over. It landed flat and the sound went out but that was from the cable in the back coming partly loose from the tussle. I plugged it back in and the game played fine. Later this evening, I decided to get in a quick game and to my woe, the game wouldn't start. I reset and then only the PS2 configuration screen would come on. After about 20 minutes I decided to tackle the problem later and turned it off. This could be the *perfect* excuse for buying a PS3 when it comes out. Hmmm.

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