Wednesday, January 03, 2007

First Gripe of 2007

I was reading a newspaper article regarding the results of increased police presence on the roads during the New Year long weekend. Apparently the local police and sheriff's departments saw no traffic fatalities and very few DUI arrests. All in all a busy but safe holiday weekend. It seems that the local policing agencies always step-up enforcement around the holidays. I think they should do it more often and not just on holidays since there are intoxicated drivers on the roadways every day.

Something else that bothers me is that the local newspaper and newsrooms always announces law enforcement's locations and days of compliance checkpoints or what traffic violation they are on the lookout for during monthly stepped-up enforcement. Hello? If you don't have vehicle insurance then avoid Main Street next Monday between 7 PM and 10 PM. Geez, let's just start informing the violent felons when and where their warrants are going to be served, too.

Well, enough griping for this post. In other news it snowed here yesterday. Came down fairly heavy but the ground just wasn't cold enough. It did accumulate on rooftops, yard, and fields, though. Probably around a quarter of an inch. As the temperature dropped the snow on the roadways eventually turned into slush and then into ice overnight. I hope, and my kids hope, that we get a lot more snow this winter. We'll see.

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