Monday, July 30, 2007

Alright, Now What?

You are 100% Hank-Fan! Why it's not 100% is beyond me.

You, sir or madam, are a credit to your gender and/or age group. To you, Hank is more of a demi-god than man... and who could blame you? Just don't forget to tithe, and make the checks out to his real name, not "Scott".

How Much Of A Hank Fan Are You
Quizzes for MySpace


Hank said...

How many tries did it take to get the 100%? ;-)

Tom said...

I am shocked you would even ask me that question! What is there not to know after almost 30 years? Don't answer that because I already know. Actually it took me three tries. The question pertaining to your modesty threw me as did your favorite color. I could have sworn it was Black.