Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The End Of It All

Vacations are so overrated. You end up going somewhere and spending a lot of money and enduring the same amount of stress, if not more. Then you need another vacation to recover from the vacation. It's a vicious circle that thankfully I only need to endure once or twice a year. Of course all this is sarcasm and I really do enjoy vacations and the time off from work. I guess the only bad thing about vacations is trying to motivate myself to get back to work and into the swing of things. I've got to win the Lotto.

OMG! I look in my email inbox and there's a notification that I've won £1,000,000 from the British Lottery! Funny, I don't remember entering but their mistake is my gain. Finders keepers, losers weepers. That's my motto. All I have to do is send the Lottery Agent some of my personal information and I can claim my prize. I'm going to go tell The Man that I'm quitting tomorrow. Hell, I'm just not going to show up AND not call in sick. I wonder how much this is in dollars?

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