Friday, August 17, 2007

Arm Yourselves

I've been in the mood to do some dungeon exploration, preferably during a quest of some kind. I would like to equip a party with individuals of my preference. I would want to be able to pick each character's class and race and perhaps even their alignment. I wouldn't want to just hack and slash the entire time while exploring a dungeon. I would like a nice combat system and an in-depth storyline with lots of towns and characters to interact with. It should also be for the PS2 since I still can't afford the PS3. Or maybe I ask for too much?


Hank said...

It's not the same without a 12-sided die.

Tom said...

I still have my bag of dice. I could roll them on the table every now and then. Those were some fun times...

Hank said...

Yeah, it's all fun and games until everyone gangs up to kill someone's wolf-dog.

Tom said...

He had it coming. ;)