Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why Would Someone Steal Woody?

I was reading something or watching the news when I heard about a student being arrested for making terroristic threats. And it made me realize that I've heard this scenario many times over the past few years. When I was growing up, it wasn't uncommon to hear such things as "I am gonna get you good" or "You're gonna be so sorry" or "Get ready to eat a knuckle sandwich," especially out on the playground. I even knew someone who would say "You're gonna die after class." I sometimes said, although jokingly, "I hope you die in your sleep" but I guess that's really not a threat but more wishful thinking. I personally don't think a first grader understands he's making a threat or doing anything wrong when he says that but hey, that's my opinion.

Some exciting news about European astronomers finding the "most Earth-like planet outside of our solar system." It is only 120 trillion miles away and circles a red dwarf star. The researchers believe that the planet's "average temperature to be somewhere between 32 and 104 degrees and that set off celebrations among astronomers." Read the entire fascinating article here.

And hooray for Roger Ebert, who will be "returning to public view for the first time since having cancer surgery," at the ninth annual Overlooked Film Festival at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read about it here.

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