Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bringing Down the House

Yesterday I mentioned that a bulldozer simulator would be a cool thing. Today I think a building demolition simulator would be a lot cooler. I saw a documentary on The Learning Channel a while back about the Loizeauz family's company Controlled Demolition Incorporated and it followed them throughout the process of bringing down a building. It was very interesting and very cool.

The simulator would randomly select a real building in the world and your task is to prepare it for demolition. The sim would require you to manage the workers in gutting the structure and how much explosive to use and where to set it...all within budget constraints and time tables. Of course there will be outside factors that will affect all this such as weather and worker fatigue. The fruit of all your decision making will come when you push the button and bring the building down and get paid by the city or entity that contracted you. Now doesn't this sound like a cool thing?

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