Monday, May 15, 2006

Hurry Up and Wait

Had to visit the hospital emergency room late last night with Baby. We arrived at 12:05 AM and left at 3:15 AM. The interview with the nurse upon arrival, then the attending physician checking Baby, then the injection of medication, and finally checking out, all took about 2o minutes. The rest of the time was spent waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Oh, and getting sleepy, too. Baby has a viral intestinal infection and seems to be doing fine now. We have to go see her pediatrician this afternoon as a follow-up, though. I only got about 1 hour of sleep last night so I'm buzzing right now on lots of caffeine, but I know I'll start to crash in a couple of hours. I don't think I'll be coming back to work today. ;-)


Cindy said...

I hope Baby's okay since you haven't posted in a couple of days!

Tom said...

Baby, oops, I mean Toddler, is getting much better. She is eating and drinking almost normally now and the vomiting has pretty much stopped. Thanks so much for your concern.