Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Visit to Burger King Circa 1975

Mmmm. I want a Whaler with fries. No, wait. Make that a Yumbo with fries. And do they have Rondo, the thirst crusher? Neato, I'll take that. Oh, and I'd like a grape Ice Burger for dessert. Yay! After we're done can we go to the movies? Please?


Hank said...

Check this out:

Del Taco

First of all, I didn't know they were still around. Secondly, get a load of the second pic on that page.


Tom said...

OMG! Is it? I can't really tell for sure but it sure does look like it. BTW, about 4 years ago a Del Taco opened up here...directly across the street from a Taco Bell. I of course went to the Del Taco because I actually like their tacos and for the memories. It closed after a year and a Starbucks (like we need another Starbucks) is now there. :-(

Hank said...

I don't think it's the actual Del Taco, since you would be able to see Valley View Mall in the background. However, it's the same era store, and it thus gives me the creeps for some reason. I see a huge cockroach the size of the taco bar climbing all over it or something... ;-)

Tom said...

Aaagh! Such sweet memories.