Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Please Remain Seated At All Times

It took me twenty minutes in line at Sam's Club before I paid and left because there were only five registers open and a gazillion people shopping in the store. For a second there I thought I was at Walmart. Anyway, while waiting patiently I pretty much finished reading all the nutrition facts for the stuff in my cart. There was nothing else to do and that's when I started to read the instructions printed on the child seat of the cart. You know, it's that plastic flappy deal that covers the openings for the child's legs or prevents things from falling out through the openings if you aren't using the seat. All depends on which way it's positioned.

The instructions (in English and Spanish) for use and things not to do were pretty straight forward and included diagrams. Truthfully, I don't think I've ever read those instructions even though I use the seat a lot when shopping with my kids. What caught my eye was this warning: "Your child can fall out of cart and suffer a serious head injury." Well, yeah, that's a possibility. But how about a broken arm? Or even a broken neck. It's scary thinking of all the various results that can occur if one falls out of the cart but I'm puzzled why the warning didn't just say "serious injuries?" The door is open for a personal injury attorney to make some quick cash.

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