Wednesday, December 07, 2005

'F' is for Flu

Bird flu, Swine flu, Arabian Camel Spider flu, whatever the hell flu I had absolutely sucked! First my daughter gets sick, then me, and finally Baby. We’re all getting better now though, I am back at work, so am able to finally post a blog entry. For those of you who never get sick you have no idea what you’re missing. I suggest you go to a doctor’s waiting room and touch everything you can and then rub your eyes or something so you can experience first hand what you’ve been missing. You know, I have some of the weirdest dreams when I’m running a high temperature. I can’t remember them all but the most recurring one is in black and white and involve millions of small dots. It’s like a sea of dots that undulate and slide like an amoeba. Another one I remember is being in my daughter’s fourth grade classroom lecturing them on time travel using theories from quantum physics. The brain does some strange things when your head is in crock pot mode.

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