Friday, December 30, 2005

Not Again

I am so tired of receiving email from good hearted persons who want to help find a missing girl. I’m tired of receiving email from people who want to make a lot of money because Microsoft is going to pay them if they forward it to lots and lots of people. I’m tired of receiving emails to boycott Tommy Hilfiger because he’s supposedly a racist pig or the ones that will make something really funny appear on your monitor if you forward it to ten people. The list goes on and on.

Whenever I check my inbox and see these types of subject lines I cringe. I suppose I could just create a filter in my email program and I would never again see these types of emails but I’m just too lazy to do that. Besides, what if just once there really is a missing little girl or boy and I could pass on the information to help find them? And I also think that the person who is forwarding these types of emails has a moral responsibility to verify the accuracy of the message before forwarding it to everyone in their address book. I’ll bet they have never visited Snopes and believe in all urban legends.

Now, if you don’t email this post to five people in the next fifteen minutes the hilarious dancing elves won’t appear on your monitor and you’ll have bad luck for the next seven months!

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