Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Call me crazy or call me sick but I have had a craving for those little cans of Vienna Sausages for the past week. It had been many, many years since I had those so when I visited the local grocery store the other day I decided to seek a can out. I found a large selection of the sausages ranging from different producers and different flavors. Some were made from beef and others from chicken. After much debate I purchased a can of the Jalapeno flavored sausages. When I returned home I consumed the can and I believe my craving has been satisfied for at least a few years now. Strange, but back when I was little and even today, when I see an opened can of these sausages, sticks of dynamite come to mind.


Cindy said...

But what do you think about potted meat?

Tom said...

OMG! I'm afraid to even read the label.