Monday, October 29, 2007

Illness Feeds Upon Illness

Everyone is sick in the family with colds. It all started with sniffles when the weather turned cooler a week ago. Now the sniffles have turned into congestion, coughs, and fever in the case of The Little One. She was running a fever of 101 degrees yesterday and last night and complaining of a headache. I called the pediatrician this morning and got an appointment for 1:45 PM. The lady warned me that there were a lot of patients today and that the wait could be an hour or more. Not important when it comes to the health of my child. What else has been going on? Hmmmm...

Saw a real commercial for The Sarah Connor Chronicles over the weekend. Looks interesting but will it last? Went browsing for houses over the weekend also. Funny how a brand new home with the latest amenities and larger square footage is less expensive than comparable existing homes a decade older. Call me weird but I was craving kimchi and actually found some in WalMart of all places. A steaming bowl of rice and some fresh kimchi...mmmmm. After discussion with my wife we decided to stay in town over the Thanksgiving holiday and plan to go to the Dallas area for a few days after Christmas. Also, low sodium V8 is not palatable to me. This blog entry truly is rambling today.


Cindy said...

I've never had kimchi, nor do I think I ever want to try it. The memories of the smell alone give me the shivers.

I think I'm sick too, or at least suffering severely from what I call my asthma. Since Saturday I've been wheezing and coughing. My mom thinks it's allergies, but I don't (well, I think the wheezing is allergies, but the coughing feels like a cold to me).

Tom said...

But at least you don't have a fever or vomiting. I don't either but The Little One was miserable yesterday. She's feeling better now but is still very irritable.