Monday, January 09, 2006


Santa brought my daughter a Barbie Primp and Polish Styling Head with Hands for Manicure ™ for Christmas. You know, the base has a large head of Barbie for applying makeup and doing the hair and hands and arms that rotate out for manicures and putting on jewelry. I of course don’t like those kinds of things but my daughter was overjoyed at receiving it. She just seemed to be annoyed at being able to rotate the head a full 360 degrees since *real* people can’t do that. The day she watches The Exorcist she’s in for a treat.

She played with that toy every chance she had in the past couple of weeks. Styling the hair, applying makeup, doing the nails. But now she’s afraid of it (which I can’t blame) and she’s got it tucked away in the corner with a plastic bag over it. I asked her what the problem was but she just said that it frightens her. I pressed for a little more information to try and find out what caused this sudden change but she would only say that she’s afraid Barbie is going to start moving under its own power. Little does she know that this is also my fear of dolls and similar toys. I tried to explain that the toy doesn’t have any legs so it would be really difficult for it to walk around but that didn’t seem to help. So for the time being, Barbie gets to remain in her purgatory but I’m sure she’ll come out to play again sooner than later. I just hope that it happens under human intervention and not something else!

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