Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I was traveling South on a local street with the intention of entering the freeway to go East. The onramp is on the right and then it goes up and over the freeway and local street, then curves to the left and descends before actually merging onto the freeway. This onramp is only one lane and goes up pretty high.

So here I am heading up the ramp with a couple of other cars in front of me, doing about 50 MPH and accelerating before merging with the freeway. Right around the apex of the ramp and just before it starts curving to the left, a guy on a sport bike flies past me on the left. That startled me since the ramp is only one lane plus a sport bike that is accelerating fast like he was roars. So I drifted slightly to the right and lo and behold there’s another sport bike passing me on the right which almost hit me. As he passes I take notice that he is also carrying a passenger on the back. By this time both bikes are passing the cars in front of me and then another sport bike passes me on the left and continues on and passing the cars in front of me. There was a lot of traffic on the freeway but all three bikes raced on weaving in and out of traffic and also in the breakdown lanes. I’m guessing they passed me and the others on the onramp doing about 65 MPH and when they got on the freeway they were doing about 80 MPH or 90 MPH.

I understand that need for speed because I’ve driven a sport bike. I took it up to 120 MPH on a country road with no traffic, with a gear to spare, before I realized that I was an idiot and slowed down. The three Jackasses from last night were not thinking of themselves or the other drivers around them and sooner or later their luck will run out.

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