Saturday, January 14, 2006


If millions of people had *faith* in the Easter Bunny, would it make him any more real? Let's say that historians had tons of historical documents and memoirs (gospels) that recounted the life and travels of the Easter Bunny. Let's take it another step and say that there were groups of people who organized a system of rules (doctrines) so that they could live their lives in a way that reflected the life and values of the Easter Bunny all so they could achieve a final goal...Everlasting (endless supply) colored eggs to eat. Now over the years these groups would develop, let's say, a Bunny Theology and a foundation of belief in order to rationalize the existence of man in this great universe and what their relationship is with the Easter Bunny. Would any of this make him real?


Hank said...

Only if this bunny was killed and then rose from the dead three days later.

Tom said...

Since when is resurrection a prerequisite to have followers?

Hank said...

Since the Council Of Trent.

Tom said...

I'm pretty certain if there was a Council on that subject it wasn't the Council of Trent. ;)

Hank said...

Um... maybe it was the Diet of Worms.