Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Nuclear Technology

President Bush refused on Tuesday to rule out nuclear strikes against Iran if diplomacy fails to curb the Islamic Republic's atomic ambitions. He wants to keep all options on the table. If the United States decides to use their nuclear arsenal on Iran, they would surely get a crash course in nuclear technology. Seeing that the U.S. is the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons against a civilian population, it surprises me that reporters keep asking the same question: Are you prepared to use nuclear strikes to blah, blah, blah. Of course the U.S. is ready to use nuclear weapons. The military has spent billions of dollars on atomic technology and creating and stock piling weapons of mass destruction. They are just itching to push the button and get something out of their dollar. Looking for the right candidate to vaporize. But any conflict will start out conventionally. When diplomacy fails, then the military wheels start turning. And when the aggressor is stretched to its limits and cannot sustain the conflict any longer, then nuclear weapons will be deployed and unleashing the horrors of offensive nuclear technology. I don't want to be witness to that. So, which is really the sharpest: the pen or the sword?

1 comment:

Hank said...

What I find stupid is that, in an effort to make sure that Iran doesn't develop nuclear weapons, we'll threaten to use/use nuclear weapons.

Call me crazy, but if *I'm* Iran and people are threatening me with nuclear weapons I'd feel justified in trying to create my *own* nuclear weapons. Then, maybe, people would leave me the F alone.

You don't see anyone threatening countries that already have nukes, do you? Okaythen.