Saturday, January 28, 2006

Bad Dream

I had a really bad dream last night. My wife and I were at some sort of County Fair and we were walking along the Midway. There was a game where you had to toss small rocks onto an even smaller ledge and try to get the rock to stay on that ledge. If you succeeded then you could win a prize such as spiders, snakes, cockroaches, and other various creepy crawley things. My wife insisted that I play even though I explained that these games were to the operator's advantage and the chance of winning was slim.

As I was about to toss my first rock, the person next to me threw their rock and it bounced off the ledge. The rock hit a small aquarium that then exploded and lots of things started coming out of it. I looked down and from under the plastic covering the front of the booth comes this giant, black and yellow salamander about two feet long. It starts to climb up my leg as I fall backwards trying to get it off of me. I'm yelling to my wife to help but I'm really occupied trying to hold this slimey thing, with beady black eyes and flicking tongue, back and has now advanced up to my chest. I start screaming and look over to my wife and to my disbelief, she is trying to capture the moment on her cell phone camera, shouting at me to smile. That's when I woke up and realized that I must have been screaming/yelling out loud because my wife was awake and asking me if I had had a bad dream.

I wonder what brought me to dream about that?


Cindy said...

I cannot express how truly frightening this is.

Tom said...

You've never heard about my *recurring* NIGHTMARE, have you? :o

Hank said...

Remember the one about the giant snake chasing you on the rooftops of Carrollton?

Tom said...

I vaguely recall something of that sort. Did it involve knives, too?

Hank said...

Yes, knives, too. And maybe salt shakers and pool cues as well.