Friday, January 27, 2006

Checkout Confusion

I was in Sam’s Club last night and as usual there were a lot of people waiting in line to checkout. Almost all registers were running so I can’t complain about that, but I wouldn’t be blogging about this visit unless there was something to comment about.

I was in line at the next to last register and the last register has a sign displayed that reads “Flatbeds Only”. Of course there isn’t a line of people there so some tried to checkout there with full carts of product. The clerk politely told them ‘sorry, flatbeds only’ and the customers would grumpily go to another line. Then a man comes up with a flatbed loaded with stuff and starts to checkout. Soon after, a Sam’s employee, with a cart of products, looks at the long lines and proceeds to stand in line at the last register. Then an elderly man with a loaded cart pulls up behind the Sam’s employee. That’s when the clerk tells him ‘sorry, ten items or less’ and the sad faced elderly man pulls up behind me. After the Sam’s employee pays and leaves, there is no line whatsoever so a woman comes up with a cart loaded with goods. She is told politely that this line is for flatbeds only and must go to another checkout line.

My gripe is that there should be some consistency in the checkout line rules. It seemed the clerk was just making up excuses to turn people away from his line and also showed favoritism to the off-duty employee by allowing his cart. I came to the conclusion that he was just a young slacker that didn’t know the meaning of customer service. What a jerk.


Hank said...

This would have been more interesting it it all had resulted in some sort of gunplay.

Tom said...

Well, I could have fabricated some stuff to make it more interesting but Frey already did that.

Hank said...

Yeah. Turns out Frey really only exploded into 700,000 little pieces.

Damned liar.

Tom said...

1,000,000 or 700, would still make an interesting movie. Or maybe not.