Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Took Baby for her second haircut last night. The first time was uneventful, I think, because she sat in Mom’s lap, happy as a clam. This time it was a little more exciting because she got to sit in a booster seat all by herself. Although my wife and I were standing beside her the whole time, she was not a happy little girl. She screamed the entire time and kept doing her arching backward routine which caused her to continuously slide out of the booster seat. The gal cutting Baby’s hair didn’t seem to mind, but I was getting nervous with the scissors being in such close proximity to a bobbing and shaking head. Thank goodness there was no need to call 911. A short time later, the haircut was done, and Baby got to wander around the mall with Mom holding her hand, while I got my haircut.


Hank said...

I just got my haircut, too. Complete with the arching of the back and crying.

Tom said...

But did you scream? It's not the same without the screaming.