Friday, February 10, 2006

My Two Cents

Ok, the cartoons were offensive to the Muslims. That's all the radicals needed for an excuse to burn down embassies, riot, and declare death threats to innocents of the countries involved. Oh, and it gave them yet another reason why all Americans should die. Were the cartoons meant to offend the Muslims? I don't know, but I like to think that wasn't the primary reason for printing them. Granted they have deeply seated feelings and faith for their religion, but doesn't their faith have anything to say about peace or forgiveness or tolerance? It seems like they are always resorting to violence and saber rattling whenever they feel wronged. "God willing, death to the infidels! Off with their heads, God willing! God willing, our blood will sanctify this war with the unbelievers!"

Imagine what the world could be like if all that anger and violent behavior could be used for peaceful purposes. Instead of throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Danish embassy, plant a tree or give your baby a kiss. There are better ways to voice your protests. Peaceful ways. God willing.

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