Thursday, February 02, 2006

I'm Going to Hollywood, Baby!!

I could be on American Idol. I think I sound great, especially when I'm singing in the shower. Everyone I know says I can sing, too. Well, maybe only a couple of people, like my daughter and therapist. But I just know I could make it to Hollywood. I have a lot of heart, attitude, dreams, and the sheer desire to succeed. Plus, I can dance. I'm a moonwalking fool that can out-zombie M.J. any day. I know Simon would be enchanted by my singing abilities and would be shaking his head in disbelief. He might even have to walk out of the room to collect himself, I'm so good. But I think I don't meet their age requirement, dammit. Maybe I could fib a little and say I'm only twenty years old. It wouldn't be the first time someone has done that. Oh well, no big deal. There's always Jeopardy.

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