Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I came across a news story that introduced me to anti-gay Pastor Fred Phelps and his efforts to protest homosexuality and became a little irritated. Phelps and his *church* believes that American deaths in Iraq are divine punishment for a country that he says harbors homosexuals. They have been going to military funerals and holding anti-gay protests there. His followers carry signs thanking God for IEDs, the weapon of choice of the radicals in Iraq, which have killed and maimed scores of soldiers.

Whether or not the conflict in Iraq is justified, the soldiers there are only fulfilling their duty and oath to our country. Whether homosexuality is right or wrong, I think Phelps’ belief that the U.S. embraces them is flawed. A soldier that is killed in Iraq defending the principles of freedom that Phelps and his followers have does not deserve to have these idiots protesting at his or her funeral. The soldier and their loved ones deserve much better than that.

If you care to visit Reverend Phelps’ and the Westboro Baptist Church’s website and see just how far their intolerance and hate have grown, click here. And I thought I disliked Pat Robertson!

God Bless America and all the brave men and women who serve in this great country’s military.

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