Saturday, November 12, 2005

I Can't Seem To Get Enough

Sunflower seeds, that is. I think I've become addicted to them. I've been alternating between the original, jalapeno, and barbecue flavors. I don't care for the ranch flavored ones, though. I mostly eat them at work and when we go to the park. I buy the original flavor in bulk at Sam's Club but they don't have the flavored ones, dammit. I have to get those at the "convenience" store or Albertsons. I wonder if I could grow and cook my own?


Hank said...

I went through a phase a couple of months ago when I ate a lot of sunflower seeds. Then suddenly, I lost the taste. However, I'd like to try the jalapino flavered ones. Where does one find those?

Tom said...

I get those at Albertson's or Diamond Shamrock. My local Walmart, Walgreens, and Target stores don't carry the flavored ones. Bastards.