Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Napoleon The Cat - Part II

My wife let the cat out the other night. When he decided to come home the next morning, he was waiting by the front door and ran inside when I opened it. Then he started to cough and gag and I thought he was having a hairball attack but then he proceeded to vomit on the floor. You know, why couldn't he have done this outside? I think he was just waiting to be let in so he could make a mess inside the house. Can cats be vindictive? Do they hold a grudge? Why is he staring at me? These are questions I need answers to. Where's the Pet Psychic when you really need her?


Cindy said...

I can vouch for the fact that cats hold grudges. Sometimes after I go to bed, Simba will come and lie on me or near me voluntarily. If I talk too much or breathe the wrong way, he gets mad and starts meowing from the bottom of his throat as if he is going to attack me so I push him off the bed. He will jump back up and either hit me, bite me, or both, even if it's 10 minutes later. Damn beast.

Tom said...

But whatever annoying things they do, we still love our cats...even though I'm more of a dog person (don't tell Napoleon that).