Sunday, November 27, 2005

Wind Advisory Until 8PM

It is so windy. The airport clocked a gust at 62 MPH. If it were just the wind it wouldn’t be so bad but we also have to contend with all the dust and sand being blown around. The mountains haven’t been obscured yet so it’s not as bad as it could be. Regardless, my allergies are acting up and even with the doors and windows closed, the dust and dirt have a way of getting in. Driving on the highway was fun with the powerful gusts of wind blowing everybody around. It’s also getting colder. It’s supposed to get into the upper 20s tonight. Woo hoo! But the forecast says we’re supposed to be back to 70 degrees on Friday. These radical fluctuations are going to make me sick. Cough, cough, sniffle, sneeze.


Cindy said...

I have really bad allergies, if you remember, I mean really bad where I get very irritable and snap at people I am close to. However, my parents recommended that I use a prescription nosespray, which I loathe, but I caved in and tried it, and I haven't had a really bad allergy day since. I've had a few days where my nose is still a little itchy, but overall it's really done wonders.

Tom said...

What would that spray be called? I'm not big on spraying stuff up my nose but I'm willing to try anything right now. Aaaachoooo!

Cindy said...

I use Nasonex, unscented. Believe me, I refused for years to do it even though my physician kept recommending it. I was desperate when my parents suggested it, and I was very surprised at the results. Ask Hank; he hasn't been the brunt of my allergy miseries in months!

Tom said...

Thank you!