Thursday, October 06, 2005

Baby and Chucky

I've been convinced to blog this story. A while back while roaming the mall, my wife and I came across a little Chucky doll. It depicted the Evil Chucky, I think from Bride of Chucky...not the nice Good Guy Chucky. We bought it as a joke, but to make a long story short, our baby girl (now 9.75 months old) became attached to this ugly looking thing. She would hug it, carry it around, babble to it, but not sleep with it because the line was drawn there by my wife. I think Baby would even greet Christopher Walken with open arms and a smile. ;-) Anyway, I found this amusing, my wife did not, and I'm sure Baby's little Mr. Bear was heartbroken for being replaced by this unsightly monster. Well, one evening, I noticed Baby didn't have her new friend with her and asked my wife where it was. She explained that she had put Chucky in the trash because she didn't want friends or neighbors to think that our baby was creepy or something along that line. I didn't get upset and quickly got over Chucky being disposed of. I just hope he doesn't find his way back. Baby has gotten over the sudden disappearance of him and has since returned to giving affection to Mr. Bear and her new Elmo.


Hank said...

You forgot the first part of the story, i.e. why you bought the doll in the first place, or, "How To Scar Children For Life With A Simple Practical Joke".... ;-)

Tom said...

It's not like the thing walked on its own. Besides, she needs to realize that everything on TV and in movies is only make believe. :P