Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I've been asked why my blog is titled Tom's Tommyknocker Haven, and more recently, why it's called this but my profile pic has me holding a book titled Skeleton Crew. The Constant Readers out there know that The Tommyknockers is a Stephen King book and that I should have been holding that book in the pic. Although King is one of my favorite authors, I didn't want to dedicate this blog entirely on him or his works, and since you have to decide on a name for your blog during the registration process, I was just trying to be clever and resourceful in a limited amount of time. Hence, in The Tommyknockers, King quotes from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, so I used Tom, which happens to be my real name. For Tommyknocker, I'm using the literal sense of the word...elves, leprechauns, you know, the creatures that inhabit my subconscious. ;-) And I'm also using the literal sense of haven...a sanctuary or place of safety, which just happens to be the setting for The Tommyknockers. Sooo...this blog is a safe place for my thoughts. As for the book I'm holding in my pic, I just used that because it has a cool cover.

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