Monday, October 10, 2005

Napoleon...The Cat

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This is our cat. My daughter named him so don't ask me why his name is what it is. He's around a year old now and has been a good cat for the most part. He can be affectionate when he wants to be, and he's very good at ignoring you when he want's to be alone. And he doesn't seem to aggravate my allergies so he's just that much better. Except for when he gets into/onto places he shouldn't and especially if he should break something that my wife likes. She has a lot of rules regarding the cat but I don't think he understands them or he just doesn't care.

Anyway, in the past week or so, he has started the annoying habit of begging for table scraps. He'll sit under the table and constantly meow. If you ignore him, he'll hop up onto your lap to make sure he's getting his point across. Sometimes, if we have food on the table and aren't careful, Napoleon will hop up and enjoy people food even though he knows that is right up there at the top of my wife's "Don't You Ever Do This" list. He has food and water and the occassional cat treat so I don't understand why this is starting now. I don't recall any of my friend's cats doing this.

Regardless, I think I'll keep him even if he enjoyed eating my dinner and didn't bother to thank anyone. That is if he doesn't meet the same end as Chucky did. ;-)

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